Global catalog SILK PLASTER + Catalogue ART DESIGN + plastic trowel
Global catalog SILK PLASTER + Catalogue ART DESIGN + plastic trowel

Global catalog SILK PLASTER + Catalogue ART DESIGN + plastic trowel

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Color and texture of promotional materials and images may differ from the finished coating. SILK PLASTER's R&D laboratory is constantly working to improve the key properties of material - material consumption may vary. See the precise consumption requirements on the packaging.

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A SILK PLASTER package offer includes one package of the product, a SILK PLASTER Global Catalog, an updated catalog of the Art Design Сollection, and a plastic trowel.

Global Catalog
A condensed catalog of the Silk Plaster most highly sought collections. The specially developed catalog presents coverings by fitting them into the interior. Large samples put next to the pictures of interiors, help to understand a covering color and texture, as well as its application in the interior.
An updated extended catalog of Art Design Collection complemented with the new products of 2021, as well as the photos of interiors featuring the coverings. With its thick cover and large-size samples, the catalog is perfect for product presentation to the customers.
Package of the Material
We complete our offer with one package of the material, the collection is at our discretion. So that you can try your hand at applying the material, see its texture and how it looks like upon drying.
Plastic Trowel
A plastic trowel has a convenient size for applying the material, it is flexible, fair-shaped, does not break under the pressure, which makes the application in the corners of the room easier.

Color and texture of promotional materials and images may differ from the finished coating. SILK PLASTER's R&D laboratory is constantly working to improve the key properties of material - material consumption may vary. See the precise consumption requirements on the packaging.
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